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Iron Ore - Norway / Sweden Exports

A live data feed containing all exports of iron ore from Norway and Sweden.

Iron Ore - Norway / Sweden Exports

Data Start Date:

1 January 2015

Data End Date:

Data is live

Fields Available:

Start location:

  • Start Continent

  • Start Region

  • Start Country

  • Start Port

  • Departure date / time

  • Hours in start port

End location:

  • End Continent

  • End Region

  • End Country

  • End Port

  • Arrival date / time

  • Hours in end port

Vessel data:

  • Vessel Name

  • Vessel Type

  • Vessel DWT

  • Vessel Max Liquid CC (where applicable)

  • Vessel Max TEUs (where applicable)

  • Vessel Age in years

  • Vessel IMO number

  • Vessel MMSI number

  • Vessel Owner (where available)

  • Vessel Controller (where available)

  • Vessel clean / dirty (where applicable)

Commodity data:

  • Sailing time / hours

  • Was vessel loaded or empty?

  • Tonnes loaded

These data sets are not available as part of the standard MariTrace trial.  If you would like to discuss any of these datasets, or the availability of a dataset not listed here, then please email us at or using the button below.  Alternatively, please contact us via our online form.

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